Source code for bibolamazi.core.bibfilter.factory

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#                                                                              #
#   This file is part of the Bibolamazi Project.                               #
#   Copyright (C) 2014 by Philippe Faist                                       #
#                                                  #
#                                                                              #
#   Bibolamazi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify         #
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by       #
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or          #
#   (at your option) any later version.                                        #
#                                                                              #
#   Bibolamazi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,              #
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of             #
#   GNU General Public License for more details.                               #
#                                                                              #
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License          #
#   along with Bibolamazi.  If not, see <>.        #
#                                                                              #

import sys
import importlib
import re
import os
import os.path
import shlex
import argparse
import textwrap
import pkgutil
from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
import logging
import traceback

import bibolamazi.init
from bibolamazi.core.argparseactions import store_key_val, store_key_bool
from bibolamazi.core import butils
from bibolamazi.core.butils import BibolamaziError
# Bibfilter is used in custom-built eval'ed code
from bibolamazi.core.bibfilter import BibFilter # lgtm [py/unused-import]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import inspect
if sys.version_info[0] <= 2:
    inspect_getargspec = inspect.getargspec
    inspect_getargspec = lambda f: inspect.getfullargspec(f)[:4]

if sys.hexversion < 0x03060000:
    # Python < 3.6 doesn't have ModuleNotFoundError -- define dummy class here;
    # the ImportError branch will be picked up anyway
    class ModuleNotFoundError(Exception):

# some exception classes.

[docs]class NoSuchFilter(Exception): """ Signifies that the requested filter was not found. See also :py:class:`FilterInfo`. """ def __init__(self, fname, errorstr=None): super().__init__("No such filter or import error: "+fname+ (": "+errorstr if errorstr else ""))
[docs]class ModuleNotAValidFilter(NoSuchFilter): """ Signifies that a given module does not expose a valid bibolamazi filter. See also :py:class:`FilterInfo`. """ def __init__(self, fname, errorstr=None): super().__init__(fname, errorstr)
[docs]class NoSuchFilterPackage(Exception): """ Signifies that the requested filter package was not found. See also :py:class:`FilterInfo`. """ def __init__(self, fpname, errorstr="No such filter package", fpdir=None): super().__init__("No such filter package or import error: ‘"+ fpname + "’" + (" (dir=‘%s’)"%(fpdir) if fpdir is not None else "") + (": "+errorstr if errorstr else ""))
[docs]class FilterError(Exception): """ Signifies that there was some error in creating or instanciating the filter, or that the filter has a problem. (It could be, for example, that a function defined by the filter does not behave as expected. Or, that the option string passed to the filter could not be parsed.) This is meant to signify a problem occuring in this factory, and not in the filter. The filter classes themselves should raise `bibfilter.BibFilterError` in the event of an error inside the filter. """ def __init__(self, errorstr, name=None): = name self.errorstr = errorstr super().__init__(str(self))
[docs] def setName(self, name): = name
[docs] def fmt(self, name): return "Filter %s: %s" %(name, self.errorstr)
def __str__(self): name = ( "‘%s’" %( if else "<unknown>" ) return self.fmt(name)
[docs]class FilterOptionsParseError(FilterError): """ Raised when there was an error parsing the option string provided by the user. """
[docs] def fmt(self, name): return "Can't parse options for filter %s: %s" %(name, self.errorstr)
[docs]class FilterOptionsParseErrorHintSInstead(FilterOptionsParseError): """ As `FilterOptionsParseError`, but hinting that maybe ``-sOption=Value`` was meant instead of ``-dOption=Value``. """
[docs] def fmt(self, name): return (super().fmt(name) + " (was -sKEY=VAL meant instead of -dKEY=VAL?)")
[docs]class FilterCreateError(FilterError): """ There was an error instantiating the filter. This could be due to the filter constructor itself raising an exception. """
[docs] def fmt(self, name): return "Can't create filter %s: %s" %(name, self.errorstr)
[docs]class FilterCreateArgumentError(FilterError): """ Although the filter arguments may have been successfully parsed, they may still not translate to a valid python filter call (i.e. in terms of function arguments, for example when using both positional and keyword arguments). This error is raised when the composed filter call is not valid. """
[docs] def fmt(self, name): return "Bad arguments provided to filter %s: %s" %(name, self.errorstr)
[docs]class PrependOrderedDict(OrderedDict): # lgtm [py/missing-equals] """ An ordered dict that stores the items in the order where the first item is the one that was added/modified last. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._isupdating = False super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if self._isupdating: OrderedDict.__setitem__(self, key, value) return self._isupdating = True try: if key in self: del self[key] ourself = list(self.items()) self.clear() self.update({key: value}) self.update(ourself) finally: self._isupdating = False
[docs] def set_items(self, items): self._isupdating = True try: self.clear() self.update(items) finally: self._isupdating = False
[docs] def set_at(self, idx, key, value): self._isupdating = True try: items = list(self.items()) self.clear() self.update(items[:idx] + [ (key, value) ] + items[idx+1:]) finally: self._isupdating = False
[docs] def item_at(self, idx): return list(self.items())[idx]
# list of packages providing bibolamazi filters. `bibolamazi.filters` is the core # bibolamazi filters package. The value is the path to add when looking for the package, # or None to add no path. filterpath = PrependOrderedDict([ ('bibolamazi.filters', None,), ]) # information about filters and modules etc. # _filter_package_listings is an OrderedDict() when initialized # _filter_package_listings[(fpkgname,fpkgdir)] = [finfo1, finfo2, ...] list of FilterInfo objects _filter_package_listings = None # _filter_modules[(fpkgname,fpkgdir)][filtername] = fmodule _filter_modules = {} # For pyinstaller: precompiled filter list _filter_precompiled_cache = {}
[docs]def load_precompiled_filters(filterpackage, precompiled_modules): """ `filterpackage`: name of the filter package under which to scope the given precompiled filter modules. `precompiled_modules`: a dictionary of `'filter_name': filter_module` of precompiled filter modules, along with their name. """ global _filter_precompiled_cache logger.debug("Loading precompiled filter list for '%s': %r", filterpackage, precompiled_modules) _filter_precompiled_cache[filterpackage] = precompiled_modules
[docs]def reset_filters_cache(): global _filter_package_listings global _filter_modules global _filter_precompiled_cache _filter_package_listings = None _filter_modules = {}
# of course, don't reset the precompiled cache!! package_provider_manager = None """ The package provider manager. If we a filterpackage is specified with a URL, then this is the manager we use to retreive the remote filter package. The main module is responsible for instantiating a `PackageProviderManager` instance and storing it here. """
[docs]class FilterPackageSpec: """ Stores a filter package specification, and provides a convenient API to download remote packages. Constructor: FilterPackageSpec(argstr) or FilterPackageSpec(path) or FilterPackageSpec(url) or FilterPackageSpec(fpname, fpdir) Properties: - is_url -- True if the filter package was specified directly as a path to the python package, or as a URL. False if individual filter names and python-path were specified. - url -- if is_url==True, then this is the path or URL that was specified. - fpname -- the name of the filter, may be None if is_url==True until materialize() is called. - fpdir -- the directory which needs to be added to sys.path to load the filter package, may be None if is_url==True until materialize() is called. .. versionadded:: 4.2 Added FilterPackageSpec class. """ def __init__(self, a, b=None): super().__init__() if not a: raise BibolamaziError("Invalid filter package: No filter package specified") if b is not None: self.is_url = False self.url = None self.fpname = a self.fpdir = b return if re.match(r'^([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)=', a): # FilterPackageSpec("filterpkgname=path") fpparts = a.split('=',1) self.is_url = False self.url = None self.fpname = fpparts[0].strip() self.fpdir = fpparts[1].strip() if len(fpparts) >= 2 and fpparts[1] else None return # FilterPackageSpec(url) self.is_url = True self.url = a self.fpname = None self.fpdir = None
[docs] def materialize(self): """ Ensures that the filter package is present on the local filesystem, if it is a remote filesystem, and returns specific information on how to load it. This method may be called regardless of whether the spec was originally an URL or not, i.e., for either value of is_url the return value of this is correct. Returns a tuple (fpname, fpdir) of a filter package name and filesystem directory which needs to be added to the sys.path in order to load the former. """ if self.is_url: self.fpname, self.fpdir = package_provider_manager.provide_for_url(self.url) return self.fpname, self.fpdir
[docs] def repr(self): if self.is_url: return 'FilterPackageSpec({!r})'.format(self.url) return 'FilterPackageSpec({!r},{!r})'.format(self.fpname, self.fpdir)
[docs]def parse_filterpackage_argstr(argstr): """ Parse filter package specification given as \"path/to/the/package\" or as a URL. The format \"filterpackage=path/to/the/package\" or \"filterpackage=\" is also accepted for local filesystem paths, but not for URLs. Returns a tuple (fpname, fpdir) of a filter package name and filesystem directory which needs to be added to the sys.path in order to load the former. Note that if a remote URL is provided, then it is downloaded and stored in cache. .. deprecated:: 4.2 Use the FilterPackageSpec class instead. """ fpspec = FilterPackageSpec(argstr) return fpspec.materialize()
def _syspath_for_fpkgdir(fpkgdir, oldpath): return ([fpkgdir] if fpkgdir else []) + oldpath + ['.']
[docs]def validate_filter_package(fpname, fpdir, raise_exception=True): """ Make sure given filter package at given directory is valid. Utility to warn the user of invalid `--filterpackage` option """ oldsyspath = sys.path mod = None sys.path = _syspath_for_fpkgdir(fpdir, sys.path) try: mod = importlib.import_module(fpname) except (ImportError,TypeError): # raises TypeError if fpname is '.modulename' if raise_exception: raise NoSuchFilterPackage(fpname, fpdir=fpdir) return False finally: sys.path = oldsyspath if mod: return True return False
def _setup_imported_filter_module(mod, fpn, fpd): setattr(mod, '_filterpackageinfo', (fpn, fpd,)) def _get_filter_module(name, fpkgname=None, filterpath=filterpath): # # NOTE: Module gets an additional attribute '_filterpackageinfo' with a # tuple (fpname, fpdir) corresponding to the filterpath element where the # filter module was found. # name = str(name) logger.longdebug("get_filter_module(name=%r, fpkgname=%r, filter_path=%r)", name, fpkgname, filterpath) if not re.match(r'^[.\w]+$', name): raise ValueError("Filter name may only contain alphanum chars and dots (got %r)"%(name)) import_errors = [] def get_module_in_filterpackage(fpn, fpd): global _filter_precompiled_cache logger.longdebug("Attempting to load filter %s from package %s", name, fpn) mod = None def dirstradd(fpd): return " (dir `%s')"%(fpd) if fpd else "" def deal_with_import_error(import_errors, name, fpn, fpd, exctypestr, e, tb_info, is_caused_by_module=True): fmt_exc = '' if tb_info: # print traceback, but try to remove all the stack frames that # concern bibolamazi and python importlib internals (to shorten # output, and focus the stack trace on the filter's code) last_importlib_frame = -1 exc_type, exc_value, tb = tb_info rximportlib = re.compile(r'\bimportlib\b') extracted_tb = traceback.extract_tb(tb) for i, t in enumerate(extracted_tb): if[0]): last_importlib_frame = i fmt_exc = "".join(traceback.format_list(extracted_tb[last_importlib_frame+1:])).strip() if fmt_exc: fmt_exc = '\n > ' + fmt_exc.replace('\n', '\n > ') logger.debug("Module import failed.", exc_info=tb_info) if is_caused_by_module: # if the module itself caused the error, we'll report it as a # warning. This is really useful for filter developers. logger.warning("Failed to import module `%s' from package %s%s:\n ! %s: %s%s\n", name, fpn, dirstradd(fpd), e.__class__.__name__, str(e), fmt_exc) # and log the error for if, at the end, filter loading failed everywhere: # useful as additional information for debugging. import_errors.append("Attempt failed to import module `%s' in package `%s'%s.\n ! %s: %s" %(name, fpn, dirstradd(fpd), exctypestr, str(e))) # first, search the actual module. oldsyspath = sys.path sys.path = _syspath_for_fpkgdir(fpd, sys.path) try: logger.longdebug("Attempting to import filter package `%s`"%(fpn)) fpmod = importlib.import_module(fpn) logger.longdebug("Attempting to import module `%s` from package `%s`"%('.'+name, fpn)) mod = importlib.import_module('.'+name, package=fpn) _setup_imported_filter_module(mod, fpn, fpd) # except ModuleNotFoundError: # exc_type, exc_value, tb_root = sys.exc_info() # # logger.debug("Failed to import module `%s' from package %s%s: %s: %s", # name, fpn, dirstradd(fpd), str(exc_type.__name__), # str(exc_value)) # logger.debug("sys.path was: %r", sys.path) # # deal_with_import_error(import_errors=import_errors, name=name, fpn=fpn, # fpd=fpd, exctypestr=exc_type.__name__, e=exc_value, # tb_info=(exc_type, exc_value, tb_root), # is_caused_by_module=False) # mod = None except ImportError: exc_type, exc_value, tb_root = sys.exc_info() logger.debug("Failed to import module `%s' from package %s%s: %s: %s", name, fpn, dirstradd(fpd), str(exc_type.__name__), str(exc_value)) logger.debug("sys.path was: %r", sys.path) caused_by_module = True # Attempt to understand whether the ImportError was due to a missing # module (e.g. invalid module name), or if the module was found but # the code had an invalid import statement. For that, see hack at: # # # This is *NOT* mitigated by using "ModuleNotFoundError" (Py >= 3.6) # instead as commented out above, because ModuleNotFoundError can # also be raised by the module we were trying to import!! (e.g. by # the module's own import statements) # logger.longdebug("[was caused by module?] will inspect stack frames:\n%s", "".join(traceback.format_tb(tb_root))) tb1 = traceback.extract_tb(tb_root)[-1] logger.longdebug("tb1 = %r", tb1) if'\bimportlib\b', tb1[0]): # alternatively, we could have used: tb1[2] == 'import_module' caused_by_module = False logger.longdebug("ImportError was not caused by the module. The module was not found.") # and so, now deal with the exception. Maybe log a warning for the user in # case the module has an erroneous import statement. deal_with_import_error(import_errors=import_errors, name=name, fpn=fpn, fpd=fpd, exctypestr=exc_type.__name__, e=exc_value, tb_info=(exc_type, exc_value, tb_root), is_caused_by_module=caused_by_module) mod = None except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_value, tb_root = sys.exc_info() deal_with_import_error(import_errors=import_errors, name=name, fpn=fpn, fpd=fpd, exctypestr=exc_type.__name__, e=exc_value, tb_info=(exc_type, exc_value, tb_root), is_caused_by_module=True) mod = None finally: sys.path = oldsyspath # then, check if we have a precompiled filter list for this filter package. if mod is None and fpn in _filter_precompiled_cache and not fpd: if name in _filter_precompiled_cache[fpn]: # found the module in the precompiled cache. mod = _filter_precompiled_cache[fpn] return mod # --- if (fpkgname is not None): # try to open module from a specific filter package if fpkgname not in filterpath: raise NoSuchFilterPackage(fpkgname, fpdir=None) # already open? Note: only look in those packages in our filterpath for fpkgd in (fd for fn,fd in filterpath.items() if fn == fpkgname): if (fpkgname,fpkgd) in _filter_modules and name in _filter_modules[(fpkgname,fpkgd)]: return _filter_modules[(fpkgname,fpkgd)][name] mod = get_module_in_filterpackage(fpkgname, filterpath[fpkgname]) if mod is None: extrainfo = "" if import_errors: extrainfo = "\n\n" + "\n".join(import_errors) + "\n" raise NoSuchFilter(name, "Can't find module defining the filter" + extrainfo) # cache the module _junk, fpkgdir = getattr(mod, '_filterpackageinfo') if (fpkgname,fpkgdir) not in _filter_modules: _filter_modules[(fpkgname,fpkgdir)] = {} _filter_modules[(fpkgname,fpkgdir)][name] = mod return mod # load the filter from any filter package, or from cache. # already open? Note: only look in those packages in our filterpath for fpkgn,fpkgd in filterpath.items(): if (fpkgn,fpkgd) in _filter_modules and name in _filter_modules[(fpkgn,fpkgd)]: return _filter_modules[(fpkgn,fpkgd)][name] mod = None logger.longdebug("Looking for filter %s in filter packages %r", name, filterpath) # explore filter packages for filterpack in filterpath.keys(): mod = get_module_in_filterpackage(filterpack, filterpath[filterpack]) if mod is not None: break if mod is None: extrainfo = "" if import_errors: extrainfo = "\n\n" + "\n".join(import_errors) + "\n" raise NoSuchFilter(name, "Can't find module that defines the filter" + extrainfo) if mod is not None: # cache the module fpkgname, fpkgdir = getattr(mod, '_filterpackageinfo') if (fpkgname,fpkgdir) not in _filter_modules: _filter_modules[(fpkgname,fpkgdir)] = {} _filter_modules[(fpkgname,fpkgdir)][name] = mod # and return it return mod _rxpysuffix = re.compile(r'\.py[co]?$')
[docs]def detect_filter_package_listings(force_redetect=False, filterpath=filterpath): global _filter_package_listings global _filter_precompiled_cache def detect_filters_in_package(fpkgmod, fpkgname, fpkgdir): """ Explores the given filter package and collects filter listings """ global _filter_package_listings logger.debug('looking for filters in package %r (%s) in %s', fpkgmod, fpkgname, fpkgdir) if (fpkgname,fpkgdir) not in _filter_package_listings: _filter_package_listings[(fpkgname,fpkgdir)] = [] def ignore(x): logger.debug("Ignoring import error of %s", x) filterpackprefix = fpkgname+'.' for loader, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(path=fpkgmod.__path__, prefix=filterpackprefix, onerror=ignore): logger.longdebug("Recursively exploring package %s: Found submodule %s (is a package: %s)", fpkgname, modname, ispkg) if not modname.startswith(filterpackprefix): logger.debug("found module '%s' which doesn't begin with '%s' -- seems to " "happen e.g. for packages...", modname, filterpackprefix) filtername = None else: # just the module name, relative to the filter package filtername = modname[len(filterpackprefix):] try: module_obj = loader.find_module(modname).load_module(modname) except Exception: logger.debug("Failed to load module %s", modname) continue _setup_imported_filter_module(module_obj, fpkgname, fpkgdir) # is a filter module? -- re-load with get_module() for proper handling of import errors try: finfo = FilterInfo.initFromModuleObject(filtername, module_obj, fpkgname=fpkgname, fpkgdir=fpkgdir) except ModuleNotAValidFilter: logger.debug("Module %s does not define a valid bibolamazi filter", modname) continue except NoSuchFilter: logger.debug("Module %s: failed to load", modname) continue except NoSuchFilterPackage: logger.debug("Module %s: invalid filter package %s (!?!?)", modname, fpkgname) continue # yes, _is_ a filter module. _filter_package_listings[(fpkgname,fpkgdir)].append(finfo) # ---- logger.debug("detect_filter_package_listings(force_redetect=%r, filterpath=%r)", force_redetect, filterpath) if not _filter_package_listings or force_redetect: _filter_package_listings = OrderedDict() for (fpkgname, fpkgdir) in filterpath.items(): if (fpkgname,fpkgdir) in _filter_package_listings: # don't need to re-detect. (If force_redetect was set, then we have # already cleared the corresponding entry) continue oldsyspath = sys.path sys.path = _syspath_for_fpkgdir(fpkgdir, sys.path) try: fpkgmod = None try: fpkgmod = importlib.import_module(fpkgname) except ImportError as e: logger.warning("Can't import package %s for detecting filters: %s", fpkgname, str(e)) continue if fpkgmod is not None: detect_filters_in_package(fpkgmod, fpkgname, fpkgdir) finally: sys.path = oldsyspath if fpkgname in _filter_precompiled_cache: if (fpkgname,None) not in _filter_package_listings: _filter_package_listings[(fpkgname,None)] = [] logger.longdebug("Loading precompiled filters from package %s...", fpkgname) for (fname,fmod) in _filter_precompiled_cache[fpkgname].items(): logger.longdebug("\tfname=%s, fmod=%r", fname, fmod) try: finfo = FilterInfo.initFromModuleObject(fname, fmod, fpkgname=fpkgname, fpkgdir=None) except Exception: logger.debug("Precompiled module %s failed to load!", modname) continue _filter_package_listings[(fpkgname,None)].append(finfo) logger.debug("detect_filter_package_listings(): Filters detected. _filter_package_listings=%r", _filter_package_listings) # now, return a nicer OrderedDict with filter names instead of full fpkgspec # keys, keeping only those packages that are accessible in filterpath. listing = OrderedDict() for (fpkgname, fpkgdir) in filterpath.items(): if (fpkgname, fpkgdir) not in _filter_package_listings: continue if fpkgname not in listing: listing[fpkgname] = [] for filterinfo in _filter_package_listings[(fpkgname, fpkgdir)]: listing[fpkgname].append(filterinfo) return listing
[docs]def detect_filters(force_redetect=False, filterpath=filterpath): logger.debug("detect_filters(force_redetect=%r, filterpath=%r)"%(force_redetect, filterpath)) detect_filter_package_listings(force_redetect=force_redetect, filterpath=filterpath) # flatten _filter_package_listings list # now collect filter names filter_list = [] for (fpkgname, fpkgdir) in filterpath.items(): if (fpkgname, fpkgdir) not in _filter_package_listings: continue for finfo in _filter_package_listings[(fpkgname,fpkgdir)]: filter_list.append(finfo) logger.longdebug("filter_list=%r, _filter_package_listings=%r", filter_list, _filter_package_listings) return filter_list
_simple_filter_class_template = """\ from bibolamazi.core.bibfilter import BibFilter # in case fn's default argument values refer to custom types in that module from {fmodulename} import * import sys import logging logger = logging.getLogger("filter." + "{filtername}") class simplefilter_{filtername}(BibFilter): helpauthor = {filter_help_author} helpdescription = {filter_help_description} helptext = {filter_fn_doc_str} def __init__(self, {init_signature}): {init_fields_doc_str} super().__init__() self.kwargs = dict({init_kwargs_set_dict}) logger.debug('Instantiated {filtername} instance with arguments %r', self.kwargs) def getRunningMessage(self): return "running filter {filtername}" def action(self): return {bib_filter_action_type} def requested_cache_accessors(self): return [] def filter_bibolamazifile(self, bibolamazifile): # in case we are filtering a bibolamazifile sys.modules["{fmodulename}"].bib_filter_bibolamazifile(bibolamazifile=bibolamazifile, **self.kwargs) def filter_bibentry(self, entry): # in case we are filtering a single entry fn = sys.modules["{fmodulename}"].bib_filter_entry fn(entry=entry, {entry_fn_bibolamazifile_kwarg} **self.kwargs) """ def _get_filter_class(name, fmodule=None): """ Use :py:class:`FilterInfo`. """ if hasattr(fmodule, 'bibolamazi_filter_class'): return fmodule.bibolamazi_filter_class() # other ways to define a filter -- quick-n-dirty minimal way is_simple_entry_filter = hasattr(fmodule, 'bib_filter_entry') is_simple_bibolamazifile_filter = hasattr(fmodule, 'bib_filter_bibolamazifile') if is_simple_entry_filter or is_simple_bibolamazifile_filter: if is_simple_entry_filter and is_simple_bibolamazifile_filter: raise ModuleNotAValidFilter(("Custom simple filter %s may not define both " "bib_filter_entry() and bib_filter_bibolamazifile().")%(name)) # the following is highly inspired from Python's # collections.namedtuple() definition if is_simple_entry_filter: simple_filter_action_type = 'BibFilter.BIB_FILTER_SINGLE_ENTRY' simple_filter_fn = fmodule.bib_filter_entry elif is_simple_bibolamazifile_filter: simple_filter_action_type = 'BibFilter.BIB_FILTER_BIBOLAMAZIFILE' simple_filter_fn = fmodule.bib_filter_bibolamazifile else: raise RuntimeError("Shouldn't be here") # lgtm [py/unreachable-statement] # inspect the fn's signature and declare arguments for documentation argspec = inspect_getargspec(simple_filter_fn) nargs = argspec[0] # one value for EACH argument (first values set to None) argdefvals = argspec[3] if argspec[3] is not None else [] argdefvals = [None]*(len(nargs)-len(argdefvals)) + list(argdefvals) init_signature_list = [] init_kwargs_set_dict_list = [] init_fields_doc_dict = {} for i in range(len(nargs)): if nargs[i] == 'entry': continue if nargs[i] == 'bibolamazifile': continue typname = type(argdefvals[i]).__name__ typinfo = '' if typname in ['bool', 'int']: typinfo = typname init_signature_list.append('%s=%r'%(nargs[i], argdefvals[i])) init_kwargs_set_dict_list.append('%s=%s'%(nargs[i], nargs[i])) init_fields_doc_dict[nargs[i]] = _ArgDoc(argname=nargs[i], argtypename=typinfo, doc='<no documentation available>') # special case, see if the entry filter accepts bibolamazi= kw arg entry_fn_bibolamazifile_kwarg = '' if is_simple_entry_filter and 'bibolamazifile' in nargs: entry_fn_bibolamazifile_kwarg = 'bibolamazifile=self.bibolamaziFile(), ' fn_docstring = textwrap.dedent(simple_filter_fn.__doc__) fn_argdoclist, fn_docstring_docpart = parseArgdoc(fn_docstring) if not fn_docstring_docpart: fn_docstring_docpart = '<no documentation available>' fn_argdocs = dict([(x.argname, x) for x in fn_argdoclist]) init_fields_doc_dict.update(fn_argdocs) logger.debug("init_fields_doc_dict=%r", init_fields_doc_dict) fn_help_description = "<No description available>" fn_help_author = "<Author unknown>" m ='^\s*Author\s*:\s*(?P<author>(.|(\n(?!\s*\n)))*)(\n\s*\n|\Z)', fn_docstring_docpart, flags=re.MULTILINE|re.IGNORECASE) if m is not None: fn_help_author = textwrap.dedent('author').strip()) fn_docstring_docpart = fn_docstring_docpart[:m.start()] + fn_docstring_docpart[m.end():] m ='^\s*Description\s*:\s*(?P<description>(.|(\n(?!\s*\n)))*)(\n\s*\n|\Z)', fn_docstring_docpart, flags=re.MULTILINE|re.IGNORECASE) if m is not None: fn_help_description = textwrap.dedent('description').strip()) fn_docstring_docpart = fn_docstring_docpart[:m.start()] + fn_docstring_docpart[m.end():] # extract filter name from "pkg:filter" if ':' in name: filtername = name.split(':')[-1] else: filtername = name # now, format class definition source cls_source = _simple_filter_class_template.format( filtername=filtername, fmodulename=fmodule.__name__, filter_help_author=repr(fn_help_author), filter_help_description=repr(fn_help_description), filter_fn_doc_str=repr(fn_docstring_docpart.strip()), bib_filter_action_type=simple_filter_action_type, init_signature=", ".join(init_signature_list), init_kwargs_set_dict=", ".join(init_kwargs_set_dict_list), init_fields_doc_str=repr("Arguments:\n" + "\n".join([ ' * ' + x.argname + ('('+x.argtypename+')' if x.argtypename else '') + ':' + x.doc for x in init_fields_doc_dict.values() ])), entry_fn_bibolamazifile_kwarg=entry_fn_bibolamazifile_kwarg ) logger.longdebug("Creating simple filter class, source = \n%s", cls_source) # Execute the template string in a temporary namespace and support # tracing utilities by setting a value for frame.f_globals['__name__'] namespace = dict(__name__='bibolamazisimplefilter_%s' % name) exec(cls_source, namespace) result = namespace['simplefilter_%s' % filtername] result._source = cls_source return result raise ModuleNotAValidFilter(name, "Module is not a valid filter definition")
[docs]class FilterInfo: """ Information about a given filter. Arguments: - `name`: the name of the filter to get information about. It may be of the form 'filtername' or 'pkgname:filtername'. - `filterpath`: an :py:class:`collections.OrderedDict` of paths where to look for filters. Keys are package names and values are the filesystem directory that needs to be added to `sys.path` to be able to import the given filter package as a Python package. .. note: The constructor of this class may raise :py:exc:`NoSuchFilter`, :py:exc:`NoSuchFilterPackage`, or :py:exc:`ModuleNotAValidFilter`, if a corresponding error occurs while inspecting the filter. .. py:attribute:: filtername The filter name (without any filter package information). .. py:attribute:: fmodule The module object that contains the filter. .. py:attribute:: fclass The class object that implements the filter. Note that simple-syntax filters are internally translated into a class object that fulfils the full-syntax filters API. So all filters have a valid class object that behaves as one would expect. .. py:attribute:: filterpackagename The name of the filter package in which this filter is located. This value is always valid. The built-in filters are in the filter package ``bibolamazi.filters``. .. py:attribute:: filterpackagedir The filesystem path that needs to be added to :py:attr:`sys.path` in order to be able to import the filter package `filterpackagename` as a Python package. Note: bibolamazi assumes that `sys.path` is not being mischieviously manipulated by other parts of the Python code. If the filter package can be loaded from Python's default path, this directory may not be accurate. .. py:attribute:: filterpackagespec A string of the form 'pkgname=file/system/path' that combines the information of `filterpackagename` and `filterpackagedir` in a single string. This is a valid argument to the function :py:func:`parse_filterpackage_argstr()`. This object also exposes the following attributes, which reflect what arguments were given to the constructor. .. py:attribute:: name The filter name, as specified to the constructor. .. py:attribute:: filterpath The filter path specified to the constructor (or the default one), that was used to resolve the information to the present filter. The following methods are available for more specific filter information. """ def __init__(self, name, filterpath=filterpath): if name is None: # called by some other initXXX static method -- let them continue return = name self.filterpath = OrderedDict(filterpath) # shortcut: a filter name may be '' to force search in a # specific filter package. if ':' in name: fpkgref, self.filtername = name.split(':',1) else: self.filtername = fpkgref = None self.fmodule = _get_filter_module(self.filtername, fpkgname=fpkgref, filterpath=self.filterpath) self.fclass = _get_filter_class(self.filtername, fmodule=self.fmodule) self.filterpackagename, self.filterpackagedir = getattr(self.fmodule, '_filterpackageinfo') self.filterpackagespec = (self.filterpackagename + '=' + (self.filterpackagedir if self.filterpackagedir else '')) self.uses_default_argparse = not hasattr(self.fmodule, 'parse_args')
[docs] @staticmethod def initFromModuleObject(filtername, module_obj, fpkgname, fpkgdir): """ Initializes a `FilterInfo` object from an already-imported module object `module_obj` in a given filter package with name `fpkgname` residing in dir `fpkgdir`. The module name without the package information must be given in `filtername`. """ finfo = FilterInfo(None) finfo.filtername = filtername finfo.fmodule = module_obj finfo.fclass = _get_filter_class(filtername, fmodule=finfo.fmodule) finfo.filterpackagename = fpkgname finfo.filterpackagedir = fpkgdir finfo.filterpackagespec = fpkgname + '=' + (fpkgdir if fpkgdir else '') finfo.uses_default_argparse = not hasattr(finfo.fmodule, 'parse_args') = filtername finfo.filterpath = None return finfo
def __repr__(self): return "FilterInfo(filtername=%r, fpkgname=%r, fpkgdir=%r)"%( self.filtername, self.filterpackagename, self.filterpackagedir ) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__()
[docs] def parseOptionStringArgs(self, optionstring): pargs = [] kwargs = {} if not self.uses_default_argparse: x = self.fmodule.parse_args(optionstring) try: (pargs, kwargs) = x except (TypeError, ValueError): raise FilterError("Filter's parse_args() didn't return a tuple (args, kwargs)", else: fopts = self.defaultFilterOptions() (pargs, kwargs) = fopts.parse_optionstring(optionstring) return (pargs, kwargs)
[docs] def validateOptionStringArgs(self, pargs, kwargs): """ Validate the arguments as OK to pass to constructor, i.e. that all argument names are correct. We use :py:func:`inspect.getcallargs()` to inspect the filter class constructor's signature. Raises :py:exc:`FilterCreateArgumentError` if the validation fails. """ try: pargs2 = [None]+pargs; # extra argument for `self` slot inspect.getcallargs(self.fclass.__init__, *pargs2, **kwargs) except Exception as e: logger.debug("Filter exception:\n" + traceback.format_exc()) raise FilterCreateArgumentError(str(e),
[docs] def defaultFilterOptions(self): """ Return a :py:class:`DefaultFilterOptions` object that is capable of standard filter argument parsing for this filter. This method returns `None` if the filter doesn't use the default argument parsing mechanism. """ if not self.uses_default_argparse: return None return DefaultFilterOptions(finfo=self)
[docs] def formatFilterHelp(self): """ Get the filter's help text. This is either the filter's own custom help text, or the help text retrieved from the filter's argument parser. """ if hasattr(self.fmodule, 'format_help'): return self.fmodule.format_help() fopt = self.defaultFilterOptions() if fopt is not None: return fopt.format_filter_help() return "<no help available>"
[docs] def makeFilter(self, optionstring): """ Instantiate the filter with the given option string. Returns the new filter instance. Raises py:exc:`FilterCreateError` if any exception was raised during the filter instantiation. """ (pargs, kwargs) = self.parseOptionStringArgs(optionstring) # make sure arguments are valid self.validateOptionStringArgs(pargs, kwargs) # and finally, instantiate the filter. logger.debug( + ': calling fclass('+','.join([repr(x) for x in pargs])+', '+ ','.join([repr(k)+'='+repr(v) for k,v in kwargs.items()]) + ')') # exceptions caught here are those thrown from the filter constructor itself. try: return self.fclass(*pargs, **kwargs) except Exception as e: logger.debug("Filter exception:\n" + traceback.format_exc()) msg = str(e) if (not isinstance(e, FilterError) and e.__class__ != Exception): # e.g. TypeError or SyntaxError or NameError or KeyError or whatever... msg = e.__class__.__name__ + ": " + msg raise FilterCreateError(msg,
[docs]def make_filter(name, options, filterpath=filterpath): """ Main filter instance factory function: Create the filter instance. This is a simple wrapper for `FilterInfo(...).makeFilter(...)`. """ return FilterInfo(name, filterpath=filterpath).makeFilter(options)
_ArgDoc = namedtuple('_ArgDoc', ('argname', 'argtypename', 'doc',))
[docs]class FilterArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): def __init__(self, filtername, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._filtername = filtername
[docs] def error(self, message): self.exit(2, '%s: error: %s' % (self.prog, message))
[docs] def exit(self, status=0, message=None): if message: msg = message.rstrip() else: msg = 'Filter Arguments Error (code %d)' % (status) raise FilterOptionsParseError(msg, self._filtername)
_rxargdoc = re.compile(r'^\s*(-\s*|\*)\s*(?P<argname>\w+)\s*(\((?P<argtypename>\w+)\))?\s*:\s*', re.MULTILINE)
[docs]def parseArgdoc(doc): """ Parses argument documentation from a docstring. Extracts lists of argument documentation in a relatively crude way. Expects arguments to be documented in lines of the form:: * argument_name (type) : Here comes the documentation of the argument. It may span several lines, that is ok. *arg2: as you can see, whitespace is optional and ignored; the type name is also not necessary. - arg3: also, argument listings may begin with a dash instead of an asterisk The argument list is expected to be a the end of the docstring. I.e., anything that follows the argument list will be included in the doc of the last argument! If there is a line with the single word 'Arguments' (with possible punctuation), e.g.:: Arguments: Then argdocs are processed only after that line. Returns a tuple (argdoclist, fndoc). The `argdoclist` is a list of objects (actually, named tuples), with the fields 'argname', 'argtypename', and 'doc'. If an argtypename is absent, it is set to an empty value. The `fndoc` is a string corresponding to the rest of the docstring before the argument documentation. """ if (doc is None): doc = '' # If there is a "Arguments" title line, then everything before that is # regular doc we shouldn't parse argumentstitlem ='^[^A-Za-z]*Arguments[^A-Za-z]*$', flags=re.MULTILINE), doc) prebegindoc = '' if argumentstitlem is not None: prebegindoc = doc[:argumentstitlem.start()] + '\n' doc = doc[argumentstitlem.end():] # now find argdocs. argdocspos = [] for m in re.finditer(_rxargdoc, doc): argdocspos.append(m) argdoclist = [] begindoc = None for k in range(len(argdocspos)): m = argdocspos[k] if (begindoc is None): begindoc = doc[:m.start()] thisend = (argdocspos[k+1].start() if k < len(argdocspos)-1 else len(doc)) # adjust whitespace in docstr docstr = doc[m.end():thisend].strip() # just format whitespace, don't fill to a fixed width. This is for the # GUI. we'll fill to a certain width only when specifying this as the # argparse help argument. docstr = re.sub(r'\n\s*', '\n', docstr) # TextWrapper doesn't simplify whitespace apparently docstr = (textwrap.TextWrapper(width=100*len(docstr), replace_whitespace=True, drop_whitespace=True) .fill(docstr)) argdoclist.append(_ArgDoc('argname'),'argtypename'), doc=docstr)) if begindoc is None: # there were no argdocs begindoc = doc begindoc = prebegindoc + begindoc return argdoclist, textwrap.dedent(begindoc.strip())
_add_epilog=""" Have a lot of fun! """
[docs]class DefaultFilterOptions: def __init__(self, filtername=None, filterpath=filterpath, finfo=None): """ Instantiate this class as:: defopt = DefaultFilterOptions(filtername [, filterpath=...]) OR defopt = DefaultFilterOptions(finfo=...) """ if finfo is not None: self.finfo = finfo if filtername is not None: raise ValueError("use signature DefaultFilterOptions(filtername, [filterpath=]) " "or DefaultFilterOptions(finfo=)") else: self.finfo = FilterInfo(filtername, filterpath=filterpath) self._filtername = self._fmodule = self.finfo.fmodule self._fclass = self.finfo.fclass # find out what the arguments to the filter constructor are self.fclass_arg_defs = inspect_getargspec(self._fclass.__init__) (fargs, varargs, keywords, defaults) = self.fclass_arg_defs # get some doc about the parameters docstr = self._fclass.__init__.__doc__ argdoclist, fndocpart = parseArgdoc(docstr) argdocs = dict([(x.argname, x) for x in argdoclist]) self._use_auto_case = True if ('[A-Z]', "".join(fargs))): logger.debug("filter "+self._filtername+": will not automatically adjust option letter case.") self._use_auto_case = False # if (defaults is None): # defaults = [] # def fmtarg(k, fargs, defaults): # s = fargs[k] # off = len(fargs)-len(defaults) # if (k-off >= 0): # s += "="+repr(defaults[k-off]) # return s # fclasssyntaxdesc = self._fclass.__name__+("(" + " ".join([xpart for xpart in [ # (", ".join([fmtarg(k, fargs, defaults) # for k in range(len(fargs)) # if fargs[k] != "self"])), # ("[...]" if varargs else ""), # ("[..=...]" if keywords else ""), # ] if xpart]) + ")") p = FilterArgumentParser(filtername=self._filtername, prog=self._filtername, description=self._fclass.getHelpDescription(), epilog=_add_epilog, add_help=False, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) group_filter = p.add_argument_group('Filter Arguments') # add option for all arguments # memo for later, whether to show info about boolean args in help text. Wrap this # in a class so that we can access this from member functions. class Store: pass ns = Store() ns.has_a_boolean_arg = False ns.seen_types = [] self._filteroptions = [] self._filtervaroptions = [] self._filtervarargs = True if varargs else False self._filtervarkwargs = True if keywords else False def make_filter_option(farg): fopt = farg.replace('_', '-') argdoc = argdocs.get(farg, _ArgDoc(farg,None,None)) if argdoc.doc is not None: argdocdoc = argdoc.doc.replace('%', '%%') argdocdoc = textwrap.TextWrapper( width=80, replace_whitespace=True, drop_whitespace=True ).fill(argdocdoc) else: argdocdoc = None optkwargs = { 'action': 'store', 'dest': farg, 'help': argdocdoc, } if argdoc.argtypename == 'bool': # boolean switch optkwargs['metavar'] = '<BOOLEAN ARG>' if not fopt.startswith('no-'): optkwargs['help'] = '' # only provide help for second option group_filter.add_argument('--'+fopt, nargs='?', default=None, const=True, type=butils.getbool, **optkwargs) if not fopt.startswith('no-'): optkwargs['help'] = argdocdoc # only provide help for second option group_filter.add_argument('--no-'+fopt, nargs='?', default=None, const=False, type=lambda val: not butils.getbool(val), **optkwargs) # remember that we've seen a bool arg ns.has_a_boolean_arg = True else: if argdoc.argtypename: if (argdoc.argtypename not in ns.seen_types): ns.seen_types.append(argdoc.argtypename) optkwargs['metavar'] = '<%s>'%(argdoc.argtypename) else: optkwargs['metavar'] = '<ARG>' group_filter.add_argument('--'+fopt, **optkwargs) return argdoc argdocs_left = [ x.argname for x in argdoclist ] for n in range(len(fargs)): if n == 0: # Skip 'self' argument. Don't use "farg == 'self'" because in # theory the argument could have any name. continue farg = fargs[n] # normalize name argdoc = make_filter_option(farg) if farg in argdocs_left: argdocs_left.remove(farg) self._filteroptions.append(argdoc) # in case user specified more docs than declared arguments, they # document additional arguments that can be given as **kwargs if (not keywords and argdocs_left): raise FilterError( "Filter's argument documentation provides additional documentation for " "non-arguments %r. (Did you forget a **kwargs?)" %(argdocs_left), name=filtername ) for farg in argdocs_left: argdoc = make_filter_option(farg) self._filtervaroptions.append(argdoc) group_general = p.add_argument_group('Alternative Option Syntax') # a la ghostscript: -sOutputFile=blahblah -sKey=Value group_general.add_argument( '-s', action=store_key_val, dest='_s_args', metavar='Key=Value', exception=FilterOptionsParseError, help="-sKey=Value sets parameter values" ) group_general.add_argument( '-d', action=store_key_bool, const=True, dest='_d_args', metavar='Switch[=<value>]', exception=FilterOptionsParseErrorHintSInstead, help="-dSwitch[=<value>] sets flag `Switch' to given boolean value, by default " "True. Valid boolean values are 1/T[rue]/Y[es]/On and 0/F[alse]/N[o]/Off" ) # allow also to give arguments without the keywords. if varargs: group_general.add_argument('_args', nargs='*', metavar='<arg>', help="Additional arguments will be passed as is to the " "filter--see documentation below") #p.add_argument_group("Python filter syntax", # textwrap.fill(fclasssyntaxdesc, width=80, # subsequent_indent=' ')) filter_options_syntax_help = textwrap.dedent( """\ For passing option values, you may use either the `--key value' syntax, or the (ghostscript-like) `-sKey=Value' syntax. For boolean switches, use -dSwitch to set the given option to True. When using the -s or -d syntax, the option names are camel-cased, i.e. an option like `--add-description arxiv' can be specified as `-sAddDescription=arxiv'. Likewise, `--preserve-ids' can provided as `-dPreserveIds' or `-dPreserveIds=yes'.""") if ns.has_a_boolean_arg: filter_options_syntax_help += textwrap.dedent(""" The argument to options which accept a <BOOLEAN ARG> may be omitted. <BOOL ARG> may be one of ("t", "true", "y", "yes", "1", "on") to activate the switch, or ("f", "false", "n", "no", "0", "off") to disable it (case insensitive). If you specify a false argument to the variant '--no-<SWITCH>' of the option, that argument negates the negative effect of the switch.""") for (typname, typ) in ((y, x) for (y, x) in ((y, butils.resolve_type(y, self._fmodule)) for y in ns.seen_types) if hasattr(x, '__doc__')): if not typ.__doc__: # e.g., is None continue docstr = typ.__doc__.strip() if not len(docstr): continue docstr = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=80, replace_whitespace=True, drop_whitespace=True, subsequent_indent=' ').fill( "TYPE %s: "%(typname) + docstr ) filter_options_syntax_help += "\n\n" + docstr if varargs: filter_options_syntax_help += textwrap.dedent(""" This filter accepts additional positional arguments. See the documentation below for more information.""") p.add_argument_group('Note on Filter Options Syntax', filter_options_syntax_help) p.add_argument_group('FILTER DESCRIPTION', "\n" + self._fclass.getHelpText()) self._parser = p
[docs] def filtername(self): return self._filtername
[docs] def filterOptions(self): """This gives a list of `_ArgDoc` named tuples.""" return self._filteroptions + self._filtervaroptions
[docs] def filterDeclOptions(self): """This gives a list of `_ArgDoc` named tuples.""" return self._filteroptions
[docs] def filterVarOptions(self): """This gives a list of `_ArgDoc` named tuples.""" return self._filtervaroptions
[docs] def filterAcceptsVarArgs(self): """Returns `True` if the filter can accept additional positional arguments.""" return self._filtervarargs
[docs] def filterAcceptsVarKwargs(self): """Returns `True` if the filter can accept additional keyword arguments.""" return self._filtervarkwargs
[docs] def optionSpec(self, argname): l = [x for x in self._filteroptions if x.argname == argname] if (not len(l)): return None return l[0]
[docs] def use_auto_case(self): return self._use_auto_case
[docs] def getSOptNameFromArg(self, x): if (not self._use_auto_case): return x x = re.sub(r'(?:^|_)([a-z])', lambda m:, x) return x
[docs] def getArgNameFromSOpt(self, x): if (not self._use_auto_case): return x x = re.sub(r'[A-Z]', lambda mo: ('_' if mo.start() > 0 else ''), x) return x
[docs] def parser(self): return self._parser
[docs] def parse_optionstring_to_optspec(self, optionstring): """ Parses the optionstring, and returns a description of which options where specified, which which values. This doesn't go as far as :py:meth:`parse_optionstring()`, which returns pretty much exactly how to call the filter constructor. This function is meant for example for the GUI, who needs to parse what the user specified, and not necessarily how to construct the filter itself. Return a dictionary:: { "_args": <additional *pargs positional arguments> "kwargs": <keyword arguments> } The value of ``_args`` is either `None`, or a list of additional positional arguments if the filter accepts `*args` (and hence the option parser too). These will only be passed to `*args` and NOT be distributed to the declared arguments of the filter constructor. The value of ``kwargs`` is a dictionary of all options specified by keywords, either with the ``--keyword=value`` syntax or with the syntax ``-sKey=Value``. The corresponding value is converted to the type the filter expects, in each case whenever possible (i.e. documented by the filter). NOTE: This function doesn't actually validate all options to check whether the filter will accept them (e.g., options like '-sKey=Value' will be blindly appended to the kwargs). See :py:meth:`FilterInfo.validateOptionStringArgs()` for that. """ logger.debug("parse_optionstring: "+self._filtername+"; fclass="+repr(self._fclass) +"; optionstring="+optionstring) p = self._parser (fargs, varargs, keywords, defaults) = self.fclass_arg_defs if defaults is None: defaults = [] try: # # shlex.split() doesn't work on unicode objects directly, need to encode it in # 8-bit e.g. using 'utf-8'. # parts = list(shlex.split(optionstring)) except ValueError as e: raise FilterOptionsParseError("Error parsing option string: %s\n\t%s" %(str(e), optionstring.strip()), self._filtername) try: args = p.parse_args(parts) except FilterOptionsParseError as e: = self._filtername raise # parse and collect arguments now dargs = vars(args) optspec = { '_args': None, 'kwargs': {} } if varargs: optspec['_args'] = [] def set_kw_arg(kwargs, argname, argval): # set the type correctly, too. argspec = self.optionSpec(argname) if (argspec is not None): if (argspec.argtypename is not None): typ = butils.resolve_type(argspec.argtypename, self._fmodule) else: typ = str kwargs[argname] = typ(argval) else: kwargs[argname] = argval # raw type if we can't figure one out (could be # extra kwargs argument, or not documented) def safe_set_kw_arg(kwargs, argname, argval): try: set_kw_arg(kwargs, argname, argval) except Exception as e: raise FilterOptionsParseError( "Error parsing key option value: %s -> %s (%s)\n\t%s" %(str(arg), str(argval), str(e), optionstring.strip()), self._filtername) for (arg, argval) in dargs.items(): if (varargs and arg == '_args'): optspec['_args'] = argval continue if (arg == '_d_args' and argval is not None): # get all the defined args for (thekey, theval) in argval: # store this definition therealkey = self.getArgNameFromSOpt(thekey) optspec['kwargs'][therealkey] = theval logger.debug("Set switch `%s' to %s" %(thekey, "True" if theval else "False")) continue if (arg == '_s_args' and argval is not None): # get all the set args for (key, v) in argval: thekey = self.getArgNameFromSOpt(key) safe_set_kw_arg(optspec['kwargs'], thekey, v) logger.debug("Set option `%s' to `%s'" %(thekey, v)) continue if (argval is None): continue safe_set_kw_arg(optspec['kwargs'], arg, argval) return optspec
[docs] def parse_optionstring(self, optionstring): """ Parse the given option string (one raw string, which may contain quotes, escapes etc.) into arguments which can be directly provided to the filter constructor. """ optspec = self.parse_optionstring_to_optspec(optionstring) (fargs, varargs, keywords, defaults) = self.fclass_arg_defs if defaults is None: defaults = [] pargs = optspec["_args"] kwargs = optspec["kwargs"] if pargs is None: pargs = [] # The following bit of code is only important for filters with varargs. However to # uniformize behavior (and error messages), we'll do this for all filters (there # should be no harm for non-varargs filters). # #if varargs: # # if we have varargs, make sure we provide a value for all declared parameters. We # want to forbid *pargs to fill the declared parameters of the filter constructor, # because it's confusing for the user. The *pargs should only be captured in the # filter's explicit *args argument. So we need to pass all declared arguments as # positional arguments. # # This is the index of first argument with a default value. See # n_deflts_offset = len(fargs)-len(defaults) # fdeclpargs = [] for n in range(len(fargs)): if n == 0: # Skip 'self' argument. Don't use "farg == 'self'" because in # theory the argument could have any name. continue farg = fargs[n] if farg in kwargs: fdeclpargs.append(kwargs.pop(farg)) else: # add explicit default argument for this farg, if any, or report error # if no value given. if n < n_deflts_offset: raise FilterOptionsParseError( "No value provided for mandatory option `%s'"%(farg), self._filtername ) defaultval = defaults[n - n_deflts_offset] logger.longdebug("filter %s: adding argument #%d with default value %s=%r", self._filtername, n, farg, defaultval) fdeclpargs.append(defaultval) # ensure that all filter-declared arguments have values, then add all remaining args for *args. pargs = fdeclpargs + pargs return (pargs, kwargs)
[docs] def format_filter_help(self): prolog = self._fclass.getHelpAuthor() if (prolog): prolog += "\n\n" return prolog + self._parser.format_help()
[docs]def format_filter_help(filtname=None, filterpath=filterpath): """ Format help text for the given filter. This is a shortcut to the corresponding method in :py:class:`FilterInfo`. """ return FilterInfo(filtname, filterpath=filterpath).formatFilterHelp()