Source code for bibolamazi.core.main

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#                                                                              #
#   This file is part of the Bibolamazi Project.                               #
#   Copyright (C) 2018 by Philippe Faist                                       #
#                                                  #
#                                                                              #
#   Bibolamazi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify         #
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by       #
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or          #
#   (at your option) any later version.                                        #
#                                                                              #
#   Bibolamazi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,              #
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of             #
#   GNU General Public License for more details.                               #
#                                                                              #
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License          #
#   along with Bibolamazi.  If not, see <>.        #
#                                                                              #

This module contains the code that implements Bibolamazi's main functionality. It also
provides the basic tools for the command-line interface.

import os
import os.path
import re
import sys
import argparse
import textwrap
from collections import namedtuple
import json
import logging

import appdirs

# import all the parts we need from our own application.
# ------------------------------------------------------

import bibolamazi.init
# rest of the modules
from . import blogger
from . import version
from .bibolamazifile import BibolamaziFile
from . import argparseactions
from . import butils
from .butils import BibolamaziError
from .bibfilter import factory as filterfactory
from .bibfilter import pkgprovider, pkgfetcher_github

# our logger for the main module
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from .bibfilter.argtypes import LogLevel

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# code to set up logging mechanism, if run by command-line

[docs]def verbosity_logger_level(verbosity): """ Simple mapping of 'verbosity level' (used, for example for command line options) to correspondig logging level (:py:const:`logging.DEBUG`, :py:const:`logging.ERROR`, etc.). """ if verbosity == 0: return logging.ERROR elif verbosity == 1: return logging.INFO elif verbosity == 2: return logging.DEBUG elif verbosity >= 3: return blogger.LONGDEBUG raise ValueError("Bad verbosity level: %r" %(verbosity))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class BibolamaziNoSourceEntriesError(BibolamaziError): def __init__(self): msg = "Error: No source entries found. Stopping before we overwrite the bibolamazi file." BibolamaziError.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]def setup_filterpackage_from_argstr(argstr): """ Add a filter package definition and path to filterfactory.filterpath from a string that is a e.g. a command-line argument to --filterpackage or a part of the environment variable BIBOLAMAZI_FILTER_PATH. """ (fpname, fpdir) = filterfactory.parse_filterpackage_argstr(argstr) try: ok = filterfactory.validate_filter_package(fpname, fpdir, raise_exception=True) except filterfactory.NoSuchFilterPackage as e: raise BibolamaziError(str(e)) filterfactory.filterpath[fpname] = fpdir
[docs]def setup_filterpackages_from_env(): if 'BIBOLAMAZI_FILTER_PATH' in os.environ: logger.debug("Detected BIBOLAMAZI_FILTER_PATH=%s, using it" %(os.environ['BIBOLAMAZI_FILTER_PATH'])) for fp in reversed(os.environ['BIBOLAMAZI_FILTER_PATH'].split(os.pathsep)): setup_filterpackage_from_argstr(fp)
[docs]class AddFilterPackageAction(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): setup_filterpackage_from_argstr(values)
[docs]def get_args_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Prepare consistent BibTeX files for your LaTeX documents', prog='bibolamazi', epilog="Log messages will be produced in color by default " "if outputting to a TTY. To override the use of TTY colors, " "set environment variable BIBOLAMAZI_TTY_COLORS to 'yes', 'no' " "or 'auto'.", add_help=False) group = parser.add_argument_group("Bibolamazi file") group.add_argument( '-o', '--output', action='store', dest='output', metavar="FILE", nargs='?', help="Do not overwrite the original bibolamazi file, and write " "instead bibolamazi output to FILE. (Note: the cache is still " "saved using the old file name with extension \".bibolamazicache\" " "for future use.)" ) group.add_argument( '-N', '--new', action=argparseactions.opt_init_empty_template, nargs=1, metavar="NEW_FILENAME", help="Create a new bibolamazi file with a template configuration." ) group = parser.add_argument_group("Cache control") group.add_argument( '-C', '--no-cache', action='store_false', dest='use_cache', default=True, help="Do not read any existing cache file and regenerate the cache. If " "the cache file exists, it will be overwritten." ) group.add_argument( '-z', '--cache-timeout', dest='cache_timeout', type=butils.parse_timedelta, default=None, help="The default timeout after which to consider items in cache to be invalid. " "Not all cache items honor this. Format: '<N><unit>' with unit=w/d/m/s" ) group = parser.add_argument_group("Filter packages") group.add_argument( '--filterpackage', action=AddFilterPackageAction, help="Add a package name in which to search for filters. You may specify this " "option multiple times; last specified filter packages are searched first. Valid " "values for this option are either (1) a simple python package name (if it is in the " "PYTHONPATH); (2) a string 'pkgname=/some/location' where pkgname is the python " "package name which will be loaded with the given path prepended to sys.path; or " "(3) a full path to a package directory '/some/location/to/pkgname' which has the " "same effect as the value 'pkgname=/some/location/to'." ) group.add_argument( '--github-auth', action=argparseactions.opt_action_github_auth, nargs='?', help="Store authentication information for accessing filter packages specified " "directly as github repositories. Use this option without argument for an " "interactive setup, or if you know what you're doing, directly specify the " "access token as argument to this option or specify '-' as argument to reset " "the stored authentication." ) group = parser.add_argument_group("Logging verbosity") group.add_argument( '--verbosity', action=argparseactions.opt_set_verbosity, nargs=1, help="Set verbosity level (0=quiet, 1=info (default), 2=verbose, 3=long debug)." ) group.add_argument( '-q', '-v0', '--quiet', action=argparseactions.opt_set_verbosity, nargs=0, const=0, help="Don't display any messages (same as --verbosity=0)" ) group.add_argument( '-v1', action=argparseactions.opt_set_verbosity, nargs=0, const=1, help='Set normal verbosity mode (same as --verbosity=1)' ) group.add_argument( '-v', '-v2', '--verbose', action=argparseactions.opt_set_verbosity, nargs=0, const=2, help='Set verbose mode (same as --verbosity=2)' ) group.add_argument( '-vv', '-v3', '--long-verbose', action=argparseactions.opt_set_verbosity, nargs=0, const=3, help='Set very verbose mode, with long debug messages (same as --verbosity=3)' ) group.add_argument( '--fine-log-levels', action=argparseactions.opt_set_fine_log_levels, help=textwrap.dedent('''\ Fine-grained logger control: useful for debugging filters or bibolamazi itself. This is a comma-separated list of modules and corresponding log levels to set, e.g. "core=INFO,filters=DEBUG,filters.arxiv=LONGDEBUG", where if in an item no module is given (but just a level or number), then the root logger is addressed. Possible levels are (%s) ''')%( ", ".join( (x[0] for x in LogLevel.levelnos) ) ) ) group = parser.add_argument_group("Help pages") group.add_argument( '--help', '-h', action=argparseactions.opt_action_help, nargs='?', metavar='filter', help='Show this help message and exit. If filter is given, show information and ' 'help text for that filter. See --list-filters for a list of available filters.' ) group.add_argument( '--help-welcome', action=argparseactions.opt_action_helpwelcome, nargs=0, help='Show a brief introduction to bibolamazi and how to use it.' ) group.add_argument( '-F', '--list-filters', action=argparseactions.opt_list_filters, dest='list_filters', help="Show a list of available filters along with their description, and exit." ) group.add_argument( '--version', action=argparseactions.opt_action_version, nargs=0, help='Show bibolamazi version number and exit.' ) parser.add_argument( 'bibolamazifile', # note the %'s are parsed as formatting: help='The .bibolamazi.bib file to update, i.e. that contains the %%%%%%-BIB-OLA-MAZI ' 'configuration tags.' ) return parser
ArgsStruct = namedtuple('ArgsStruct', ('bibolamazifile', 'use_cache', 'cache_timeout', 'output'))
[docs]def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): try: # run main program _main_helper(argv) except SystemExit: raise except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except BibolamaziError as e: logger.error("\n" + str(e)) except: # lgtm [py/catch-base-exception] print() print(" -- EXCEPTION --") print() # debugging post-mortem import traceback; traceback.print_exc() import pdb; pdb.post_mortem()
[docs]class CmdlSettings: """ Stores settings for the command-line app. Read/write json-objects to the `config` property of this object. Config is loaded upon object creation. Call `saveConfig()` after changing the `config` property. """ def __init__(self, configfname='cmdl_settings.json'): super().__init__() self.configfname = configfname self.user_config_dir = appdirs.user_config_dir('bibolamazi') if not os.path.exists(self.user_config_dir): os.makedirs(self.user_config_dir, exist_ok=True) self.full_config_fname = os.path.join(self.user_config_dir, self.configfname) self.config = {} self.reloadConfig() if 'RemoteFilterPackages' not in self.config: self.config['RemoteFilterPackages'] = {}
[docs] def reloadConfig(self): if os.path.exists(self.full_config_fname): try: with open(self.full_config_fname) as f: self.config = json.load(f) except Exception as e: logger.warning("Failed to load config file %s: %s", self.full_config_fname, e)
[docs] def saveConfig(self): with open(self.full_config_fname, 'w') as f: json.dump(self.config, f, indent=4)
# Note: not used by GUI
[docs]class CmdlMainPackageProviderManager(pkgprovider.PackageProviderManager): def __init__(self): super().__init__() settings = CmdlSettings() self.prompted_for_remote = settings.config['RemoteFilterPackages'].get('PromptedForRemote', False) self.allow_remote = settings.config['RemoteFilterPackages'].get('AllowRemote', False)
[docs] def remoteAllowed(self): if not self.prompted_for_remote: # ask for remote print("""\ WARNING: Filter packages are python scripts that can execute arbitrary code. Only run filters from sources you trust. Do you want to enable automatically downloading remote packages when a remote package is specified? """) yn = None while yn not in ['Y', 'n']: yn = input('Allow remote packages? (Y/n) ') yn = yn.strip()[0] if yn not in ['Y', 'n']: print("Please answer with Y or n.") self.allow_remote = ( yn == 'Y' ) self.prompted_for_remote = True settings = CmdlSettings() settings.config['RemoteFilterPackages']['PromptedForRemote'] = True settings.config['RemoteFilterPackages']['AllowRemote'] = self.allow_remote settings.saveConfig() if self.allow_remote: logger.warning("Allowing remote filter packages for future sessions. Edit " "config file %s to change this.", settings.full_config_fname) elif not self.allow_remote: settings = CmdlSettings() logger.warning("Remote filter packages have been disabled. Edit config file %s" " to change.", settings.full_config_fname) return self.allow_remote
# Note: gui doesn't use these, see bibolamazi_gui.bibolamaziapp cmdl_filterpackage_providers = {}
[docs]def load_filterpackage_providers(): settings = CmdlSettings() # first, create our package provider manager. filterfactory.package_provider_manager = CmdlMainPackageProviderManager() github_auth_token = settings.config['RemoteFilterPackages'].get('GithubAuthToken', '') if github_auth_token: github_auth_token = github_auth_token.strip() if not github_auth_token: github_auth_token = None cmdl_filterpackage_providers['github'] = \ pkgfetcher_github.GithubPackageProvider(github_auth_token) filterfactory.package_provider_manager.registerPackageProvider( cmdl_filterpackage_providers['github'] )
#print("Loaded filterpackage providers (cmdl version)")
[docs]def get_github_auth_status(): """ Returns one of `None` (no configuration provided), `False` (configuration exists, token explicitly not set), and `True` (token previously set and saved). """ settings = CmdlSettings() if 'RemoteFilterPackages' not in settings.config: return None if 'GithubAuthToken' not in settings.config['RemoteFilterPackages']: return None token = settings.config['RemoteFilterPackages']['GithubAuthToken'] if token is not None and token.strip(): return True return False
def _check_token_valid(token): if re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9.+_/!@*=-]{32,}$', token) is None: raise ValueError("Invalid access token provided")
[docs]def save_github_auth_token(github_auth_token): # no need to mess with objects in cmdl_filterpcakage_providers -- anyway # we'll quit right away after saving the token to the config file. # #cmdl_filterpackage_providers['github'].setAuthToken(github_auth_token) settings = CmdlSettings() if 'RemoteFilterPackages' not in settings.config: settings.config['RemoteFilterPackages'] = {} if github_auth_token is not None: _check_token_valid(github_auth_token) # raise ValueError for invalid token settings.config['RemoteFilterPackages']['GithubAuthToken'] = github_auth_token settings.saveConfig() logger.debug("Set auth token %s", '[...]{}'.format(github_auth_token[-4:]) if github_auth_token else 'None') if github_auth_token is not None:"Github authentication token set.") else:"Unset github authentication token.")
def _main_helper(argv): # get some basic logging mechanism running blogger.setup_simple_console_logging() # start with level INFO logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) # load precompiled filters, if we've got any # ------------------------------------------ #try: # import bibolamazi.bibolamazi_compiled_filter_list as pc # filters_factory.load_precompiled_filters('bibolamazi.filters', dict([ # (fname, pc.__dict__[fname]) for fname in pc.filter_list # ])) #except ImportError: # pass # set up the filter package providers # ----------------------------------- load_filterpackage_providers() # set up extra filter packages from environment variables # ------------------------------------------------------- setup_filterpackages_from_env() # parse the command line arguments # -------------------------------- parser = get_args_parser() args = parser.parse_args(args=argv) return run_bibolamazi_args(args)
[docs]def run_bibolamazi(bibolamazifile, **kwargs): # defaults kwargs2 = { 'use_cache': True, 'cache_timeout': None, 'output': None } kwargs2.update(kwargs) args = ArgsStruct(bibolamazifile, **kwargs2) return run_bibolamazi_args(args)
[docs]def run_bibolamazi_args(args): # # args is supposed to be the parsed arguments from main() # logger.debug(textwrap.dedent(""" Bibolamazi Version %(ver)s by Philippe Faist (C) %(copy_year)s Use option --help for help information. """ % { 'ver': version.version_str, 'copy_year': version.copyright_year, })) # open the bibolamazifile, which is the main bibtex file # ------------------------------------------------------ kwargs = { 'use_cache': args.use_cache } # # If given a cache_timeout, give it as parameter # if args.cache_timeout is not None: logger.debug("default cache timeout: %r", args.cache_timeout) kwargs['default_cache_invalidation_time'] = args.cache_timeout # open the bibolamazi file and create the BibolamaziFile object. This will parse the rules # and the entries, as well as keep some information on how to re-write to the file. bfile = BibolamaziFile(args.bibolamazifile, **kwargs) bibdata = bfile.bibliographyData() if (bibdata is None or not len(bibdata.entries)): logger.critical("No source entries found. Stopping before we overwrite the bibolamazi file.") raise BibolamaziNoSourceEntriesError() # now, run the selected filters in the corresponding order. # --------------------------------------------------------- for filtr in bfile.filters(): # # For debugging: dump the library at each filter step on level longdebug() # if logger.isEnabledFor(blogger.LONGDEBUG): s = "========== Dumping Bibliography Database ==========\n" for key, entry in bibdata.entries.items(): s += " %10s: %r\n\n"%(key, entry) s += "===================================================\n" logger.longdebug(s) bfile.runFilter(filtr) # and output everything ... if args.output: # ... to the specified file: bfile.saveToFile(fname=args.output) else: # ... or back to the original file: bfile.saveToFile() logger.debug('Done.') return None
if __name__ == "__main__": main()