Source code for bibolamazi.filters.util.auxfile

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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#   This file is part of the Bibolamazi Project.                               #
#   Copyright (C) 2013 by Philippe Faist                                       #
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Utilities (actually for now, utility) to parse .aux files from LaTeX documents.

import os
import os.path
import re
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from bibolamazi.core.bibfilter import BibFilterError #, BibFilter

rx_bibolamazibib_suffix = re.compile(r'(\.bibolamazi)?\.bib$', flags=re.IGNORECASE)

[docs]def get_action_jobname(jobname, bibolamazifile): """ If `jobname` is non-None and nonempty, then return `jobname`. Otherwise, find the basename of the bibolamazifile, and return that. .. versionadded:: 4.3 Added function :py:func:`get_action_jobname()`. """ if jobname: return jobname # use bibolamazi file base name jobname = rx_bibolamazibib_suffix.sub('', os.path.basename(bibolamazifile.fname())) logger.debug("Using jobname \"%s\" guessed from bibolamazi file name", jobname) return jobname
# BibTeX uses "\citation{}", BibLatex uses "\abx@aux@cite{}" in aux file... support both rx_citation_aux_macro_pat = r'(?:\\citation|\\abx@aux@cite)'
[docs]def get_all_auxfile_citations(jobname, bibolamazifile, filtername, search_dirs=None, callback=None, return_set=True): r""" Get a list of bibtex keys that a specific LaTeX document cites, by inspecting its .aux file. Look for the file ``<jobname>.aux`` in the current directory, or in the search directories `search_dirs` if given. Parse that file for commands of the type ``\citation{..}``, and collect all the arguments of such commands. These commands are generated by calls to the ``\cite{}`` command in the LaTeX document. Return a python set (unless `return_set=False`) with the list of all bibtex keys that the latex document cites. Note: latex/pdflatex must have run at least once on the document already. Arguments: - `jobname`: the base name of the TEX file; the AUX file that is searched for is "<jobname>.aux". The `jobname` is expected to be non-empty; see :py:func:`get_action_jobname()` for help on that. - `bibolamazifile`: The bibolamazifile relative to which we are analyzing citations. This is used to determine in which directory(ies) to search for the AUX file. - `filtername`: The name of the filter that is calling this function. Used for error messages and logs. - `search_dirs`: list of directories in which to search for the AUX file. These may be absolute paths or relative paths; the latter are interpreted as being relative to the bibolamazifile's location. - `callback`: A python callable can be specified in this argument. It will be called for each occurrence of a citation in the document, with the citation key as single argument. - `return_set`: If True (the default), then this function returns a python `set` with all the citation keys encountered. Set this to False if you're going to ignore the return value of this function. """ logger.debug("%s: Retrieving citations from job name %r", filtername, jobname) citations_list = set() if (search_dirs is None): search_dirs = ['.', '_cleanlatexfiles'] allaux = None for maybeauxfile in (os.path.join(bibolamazifile.fdir(), searchdir, jobname+'.aux') for searchdir in search_dirs): try: with open(maybeauxfile, 'r') as auxf: logger.debug("%s: Reading auxfile %r", filtername, maybeauxfile) allaux = except IOError: pass if not allaux: raise BibFilterError( filtername, ("Can't analyze citations [filter {filtername}]: can't find file \"{jobname}.aux\". " "Please run latex on your document before running bibolamazi.").format( filtername=filtername, jobname=jobname ) ) # # parse allaux for \citation{...} # for citation in re.finditer(rx_citation_aux_macro_pat + r'\s*\{(?P<citekey>[^\}]+)\}', allaux): for citekey in (x.strip() for x in'citekey').split(',')): if return_set: citations_list.add(citekey) if callback is not None: callback(citekey) if return_set: return citations_list return