.. _using-bibolamazi-app: Using the Bibolamazi Application ================================ Bibolamazi Operating Mode ------------------------- Bibolamazi works by reading your reference bibtex files---the 'sources', which might for example have been generated by your favorite bibliography manager or provided by your collaborators---and merging them all into a new file, applying specific rules, or 'filters', such as turning all the first names into initials or normalizing the way arxiv IDs are presented. The Bibolamazi file is this new file, in which all the required bibtex entries will be merged. When you prepare you LaTeX document, you should create a new bibolamazi file, and provide that bibolamazi file as the bibtex file for the bibliography. When you open a bibolamazi file, you will be prompted to edit its configuration. This is the set of rules which will tell bibolamazi where to look for your bibtex entries and how to handle them. You first need to specify all your sources, and then all the filters. The bibolamazi file is then a valid BibTeX file to include into your LaTeX document, so if your bibolamazi file is named ``main.bibolamazi.bib``, you would include the bibliography in your document with a LaTeX command similar to:: \bibliography{main.bibolamazi} Getting Started --------------- The easiest way to get started is to open the bibolamazi graphical application, and click on "Create new bibolamazi file". A sequence of prompts will allow you to specify where your source bibtex files are, and how you'd like to standardize/normalize/transform those entries. Finally, you will be asked where to save the new bibolamazi file. Then, the file will be opened for you. The code that is displayed is the bibolamazi configuration section. The Bibolamazi program reads this configuration section and parses the corresponding instructions in order fetch and perform the necessary tasks on your bibliography entries. The new file will already contain a valid configuration section. Try the "Run Bibolamazi" button at the top: This should run the given filters on the source files you have specified. In order to view the run-time messages, click on the "Messages" tab on the lower part of the window. You can view the resulting, processed bibtex entries in the "Preview Bibtex Entries" tab. The "Bibolamazi File Info" tab contains some general information about the parsed configuration section. You may edit the configuration section if you are not happy with the results. In the configuration section, lines that start with ``filter:`` instruct bibolamazi to apply a filter to all the bibliography entries. The word immediately after ``filter:`` (for instance, ``filter: arxiv``) specifies which filter to apply. The rest of the line are options which alter the filter's behavior. For instance, click on a line that starts with ``filter:``. The right part of the screen will change so that you can select different options for that filter. If you click on an option in the table, you will see a description of what that option does below the table. Double-click on the right part of the table to edit an option's value. Don't forget to include the bibolamazi file in place of your bibliography in your LaTeX document. So, if the bibolamazi file is named ``main.bibolamazi.bib``, include a line like so in your LaTeX document:: \bibliography{main.bibolamazi} Editing the configuration section --------------------------------- For precise instructions on the configuration section, see :ref:`bibolamazi-configuration-section`.